Arranging a Funeral
The Funeral Journey
2021 brings Morrisons 100 years of proudly serving the Auckland community by sharing our understanding of the needs of the bereaved, our expertise and our professionalism. Our compassionate approach enables you to honour your loved one beyond a lifetime by creating a service that reflects their life and brings comfort to those they’ve touched along the way.

Burial or Cremation
This is one of the first decisions you will have to make mainly because different documentation is required for each option. Often the preference has already been stated in the will so please check with your solicitor or executor.
Burial involves selecting and purchasing a burial plot in the cemetery of your choice. You will also need to select a headstone and the wording you require on it. The selection of the headstone can be done at a much later stage. For many people it is traditional for the headstone to be placed and “unveiled” with a special ceremony, a year later. We can advise you on the cemeteries and costs in your area.
Cremation has become the more popular option and many of the cemeteries in Auckland also have cremation facilities as well. We have our own cremator at our Henderson branch which gives families greater options for having the entire service all at the one venue, especially if they wish to attend at the actual cremation itself. There are many options for the final resting place for your ashes and we can give you advice on many of these. This is not something that you have to decide until you feel you are ready, and it is wise to take your time with your decision.
Saying goodbye to your loved one, friend or colleague is an important part of grieving. Spending time with the deceased helps us accept the 'death' and come to terms with the reality of the loss. You may wish to have your loved one at home for some time before the service, or spend time with them at our funeral home. Our family viewing rooms are quiet, spacious and private ensuring your time with them is peaceful and belongs to you and your family.
Writing a Eulogy
Sometimes your minister or celebrant will ask to write out a “life History” of your loved one to be read at the service. This might be read by you, or another family member, a friend, or the person officiating. You are the only one that knows all the little things and the big things that have happened throughout your loved one’s life but being asked to write these down can just seem too hard! Don’t worry, it is not possible to write down a person’s whole life so just choose the parts that mean something and are special to you and your family. Just glance through the list below to help jog your memory. Often talking with the family will bring up lots of memories; have someone jot these down so that you can think about them when you are writing the eulogy.
- Where and when born,
- Parents and siblings, schooling, childhood days, teenage and young days,
- Employment/career, marriage, children, home,
Trips/adventures, special events, clubs, passions and loves, hobbies, social life, - Favourite sayings, anecdotes, favourite readings, poetry, songs, music.
If you do not have your own minister and would still like to have a religious service we can arrange this for you, similarly if you wish to have a non-religious service we can organise a celebrant who will help you plan the service of your choice.
We can arrange for any musician such as an organist, piper, or soloist to play at the funeral service.
Service Sheets
Service sheets or hymn sheets can be a personal tribute and a memorial of the deceased and are often an important part of the celebration of life. We can help you personalise these and we can print them in colour or black and white.
Memorial Books
These can be a tribute and a valuable record of the people that have taken the time to pay tribute to your loved one.
Death Notices
We can assist with the wording and format for your Death Notice and can place them in any of the papers in New Zealand and overseas.
Audio Visual & Live Stream
We have newly installed state of the art AV systems in all of our Chapels to bring sight and sound to life through musical and visual tributes to your loved one. Live in-house and remote web-streaming services are also available, and have proved popular in these times of travel restrictions
Hearses & Cars
We have both Modern and Vintage Hearses available and Funeral cars for transport to and from the funeral service for the bereaved family. You can view our vehicles in “Our Products”
After hours support
Advice and assistance is available over the phone after hours on (09) 836 0029, and we are able to talk you through the next steps if a loved one has passed away, and make arrangements to bring them back into our care.
This involves the preservation and presentation of the deceased for the duration of the funeral service. It is nothing like the ancient Egyptian practices! Today, it is very much a medical procedure that ensures the disinfection and preservation of your loved one for the time they will spend until the cremation or burial. It is important to us that our embalming can give a more natural appearance, ensuring that viewing is a positive experience.
Knowing what to do with your loved one’s ashes can be a dilemma for many; we can advise and assist with the many options available, from scattering at sea, in a garden, in a cemetery, burial in a public garden, or a cemetery or even interring them in a temple.
Funeral Planning
Being prepared and preplanning your funeral can lessen the worry for your family and can make the many decisions a little easier for them. It is important to hold these records in a secure, known location. We can hold your records, with a copy for your next of kin or executor, giving you peace of mind. You may wish to fill out the pre-planning forms online and either send them to us for safe keeping or keep them with your important papers.
Funeral Prepayment
We have safe and secure prepayment partners through The Funeral Trust where your monies prepaid are held in an account created for you.
The Funeral Trust is administered by the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand. Prepayment can relieve your family of the financial burden of funeral costs and put your mind at rest knowing that these costs have been taken care of. Comprehensive brochures on prepayment are available on request. Please contact us.
Should your loved one die overseas or you wish to have them returned to their country of birth, there are a number of important legal considerations and documentation that must be completed. We can take all the stress and worry away with our expertise in repatriation.
Funeral Costs & Payment
The funeral account is comprised of the costs for our services and time, the casket, and all the disbursements which may include items like flowers, celebrant/minister, newspaper, cremation fee, Organist, service sheets, catering etc. We believe that an important part of our role is to provide a high standard of service at a reasonable cost.

Contact Us
Even if you don’t know what to do, call or email us and Morrisons will guide you through the process and liaise with the relevant parties on your behalf.